Political Correctness Is Killing Comedy

Tim Mossholder/Unsplash
Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

In the most recent days, if you have been on social media, or even if you have been watching the news you probably have been experiencing an unrealistic amount of social media posts where so many people are getting offended at the littlest of things.

I don't know personally if you have been witnessing it, or if you are the reader alone, are contributing to this " offended" internet age.

Because there is a growing number of far-left politically correct village assholes, who are frozen to campaign for a direct cause for somebody whom they have never even met before nor have been asked by the individual themselves to campaign/support their cause.

Just look at the comedy world today. The '50s, '60s, and the '70s were filled with dozens upon dozens of original, well-put-together jokes that are shown clearly in Monty Python, The Black Adder, and Yes Minister. The point is, each and every one of those shows dived into the side of the folder of what overly sensitive people today might wrongfully be accused of being sexist, racist, or homophobic. The truth is... comedy should have no boundaries. When unthinkable events happen in the world such as slavery, the Holocaust, health pandemics, etc... It is human nature to try to make things better unless you're a psychopath. For most people around the world, we can make things a little better by creating laughter.

During the Great Depression of the '1930s, many comedy talk shows were aired across the country on radio stations 24/7. They would often attract audiences of all social statuses, equalling out to thirty-million daily listeners. When the chips are all down and your back is at the wall, it really is the small things that matter. Just one laugh for somebody during that time could let them get away from the hardships of the Great Depression for just a little bit of time.

Yes, of course. Being prejudiced against a specific group of people is undoubtedly wrong. But when we as humans are forced to extreme political correctness, it slowly breaks away from the freedom of speech and the ability to express our own opinions. Many of the twenty-first century stand-up comedians, like my friend Gordon James, have fallen victim to the noose of political correctness in their audiences. Many stand-up comedians are starting to censor their acting material, making it less offensive, and more politically correct just to appease the 'Snowflake Generation.

Many comedians alone are getting shut off by television stations because of their comedic material. This is due because the station's viewers feeling entitled to complain to the station about how offended they are by the comedian's material. Even more frightening the 'Snowflake Generation' is taking to Snapchat, and Instagram beating down any comedian who uses "offensive" material in their act. Which causes the comedian to refrain from writing what they actually want to. They are scared of what their audience reaction may exactly be if their material isn't politically correct.

It is truly sickening how this is happening.

My friend since preschool, Gordon James, explained to me that he is now making his act purposely more offensive, as he stated: "to backlash these fucking easily offended Snowflakes."

"In the comedy world- it is okay to be offensive from time to time."- Gordon James, October 2020.

Nobody is perfect on this planet. We as humans are not perfect, and to be fairly honest... we need to lean more into jokes to laugh even if it means at one own expense... just to smile.

But sadly, no matter how hard comedians try to fight back against these 'snowflakes'. They will eventually kill comedy, through their own ignorance and entitlement. The reality alone is that these types of people have the most power. The reason is... of advertisements.


Today in this world, so many people are entitled and complain about the smallest of things. If someone finds the smallest thing offensive on television, they feel so entitled to call the television broadcasters complaining about their material. In which television and news companies executives are too afraid to show original comedic talents because they are afraid their audiences will find it 'too offensive.' To make matters worse, most television programs are held at gunpoint by their advertisers. Because many advertisers have seen the power of the 'snowflake' population in the world, and their ability to bitch and whine on social media about their company if seen slightly offensive or 'politically incorrect.

With that constant scare from the 'snowflake' population and their self-entitlement, many advertisers bluntly refuse to advertise on t.v shows that could be shown in the littlest of ways as offensive, causing no shows that could be shown in that way to be produced or broadcast to the public, no matter how good and genuinely funny it actually may be.

Just look at what YouTube is doing to the content creators. They aggressively censor any content that may be offensive in the lightest of ways by taking away their advertisement revenue. For any video on YouTube that includes war, it has been stripped of its advertisement revenue, because somehow they are entitled little snowflake assholes who find accurate history about war 'offensive.'

Political correctness has changed the American comedy world over the last twenty-five years. Why is political correctness heating up the comedy world once again? The answer... we're entitled, arrogant, little pricks.

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In the most recent days, if you have been on social media, or even if you have been watching the news you probably have been experiencing an unrealistic amount of social media posts where so many people are getting offended at the littlest of things.

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