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It's not very surprising when the Democrats try to ignore a controversy within their own party. A clear example is when Vice President Kamala Harris laughs before telling a lie as an answer to a reporter. But more recently President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, allegedly used the n-word in a series of lewd conversations with his $845-per-hour...

In the most recent days, if you have been on social media, or even if you have been watching the news you probably have been experiencing an unrealistic amount of social media posts where so many people are getting offended at the littlest of things.

About Alex 

Alex T. Wolf is an author, comedian, and contributing journalist whose articles have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Buzzfeed, and DriveTribe. His nonfiction debut, Society In Repair, was published in 2020, explains how American's have lost their sense of humour and how the American Dream is still alive. 


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